Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hey Shorty, It's Your Birthday...

We're gonna party like it's your birthday! (okay, moving on... the rest of the lyrics to that song are completely inappropriate for a toddler bday post) Theo turned 3! He is quite the litte man and just hilarious! It is hard to believe that it's been 3 years since we got to meet you for the very first time and fell in love with you instantly...pure joy ever since (well mostly:)) What is Theo up to at 3: Being funny! We were watching the Olympic diving the other night and Theo said, 'Look they're wearing their diapers' They other day he said,'Brock your bottom is sooooo beautiful' then he said it a million times about different things finding it hilarious each time. He has the best laugh! Theo has this hardy belly laugh that I just LOVE. I will try to get it on video somtime. I think he will always have it though. Being a big boy! You are always telling me 'mommy, I'm big for that' or 'I'm so big mommy' It is true, sometimes I forget you you are only three. We have been sleeping great for years and you have been out of diapers completely for almost a year... quite different from your sweet big brother who tortured us with sleepless nights and milked the potty training :) Busy! You are busy - you love swimming, digging, playing with brother, boating, camping, bugs, and preschool. You have some killer dance moves and the sweetest singing voice. My mom saved my old tap shoes and Theo knew just what to do with them...Notice his diva move as the fame goes to his head at the end. Happy Birthday Mr. T! We love you!

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