Saturday, November 14, 2009


This will be a lesson in breast feeding for some of you. The other morning I got Brock set up with his cereal at the table. Then Theo called for attention so I went back to his room to change him. Meanwhile, Brock yells to me, 'mom, I'm freezing some milk for the baby'. I just said 'okay' and didn't think much of it. About an hour later I opened the fridge and found this...

Brock found a zip lock bag which had been full of toys - emptied it - poured the milk from his cereal into the bag - zipped it shut - and placed it in the fridge. When I opened the fridge Brock proudly pointed it out and I praised him for such a sweet and thought out gesture. He just amazes me! He has seen me do this very thing time and time again - putting pumped milk in a zip bag and 'freezing it for the baby'. I do this to store milk for when I'm at work.
The real thing...just call me the Dairy Queen!

Another story - just moments ago I was sitting on the bed and Brock asked me to lift him up. I was holding Theo at the moment and couldn't so he quickly thought of an alternate plan. He ran to our office and began bringing in books to stack next to the bed. He proudly said, 'I'm building book steps to get in the bed'. And that he did! After a few trips back and forth he stepped on the 'book steps' and launched himself right onto the bed. Very impressive!

And another - Brock has a slight obsession with Yoda. I told him he looked like Yoda - he wanted to know who that was - Daddy looked Yoda up on the internet and an obsession was born. So the other day he was chatting about Yoda, 'Mommy, do you know who Yoda is?'...'He lives in Hollywood California'...'by the beach house'.

Brock was in our office and I asked him what he was doing. He replied, 'I'm on the internet - checking my email'

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy (Late) Halloween

Brock loves playing in the leave and Theo seemed to enjoy it as well.

Our cute little pumpkin!

We grew one of our own pumpkins this year - we are very proud!

Brock and our neighbor Julee. Before going out with our friends we had to go to ALL of our neighbors houses. They were expecting us and spoiled Brock rotten as usual! We have the best neighbors!

Theo was the cutest little Tiger

Brock had a blast Trick or Treating with his best friends Snow White (Taylor), Cinderella (Annie) and Sleeping Beauty (Grace). They were absolutely adorable and had such awesome manners at each house!