Thursday, July 9, 2009


My sweet funny boy...

Last night Cory was rubbing my back - he will be a great labor coach! Anyways, Brock told him 'Daddy don't hit mommy, that's dangerous'.

Yesterday Brock was playing with his little animal figurines...holding up a gorilla he said 'Daddy, this is an orangutan-ape-monkey". He often puts every possible word he knows in one long word to discribe some thing like 'big-giant-huge'.

One day the owl that sits in my parents tree was gone. Cory told Brock maybe the owl had a girlfriend. So now Brock says, 'he's probly with his girlfriend'.

Brock went through a nose picking phase which, thankfully, seems to have stopped. Cory used to tell him to stop digging for gold. Then one day in the car Brock said, 'Daddy, look I found some gold' - gross!

He has started using phrases such as 'in my whole life' or 'best I ever had'. Example, 'this is the best watermelon I ever had'.

He is quite the story teller. Last night at dinner I asked him what he did at play group. He began this long story about how he played with a lizard, no 'actually' a snake-lizard and up it went up in the sky, 'and um actually' it swam in the water, and on and on. Yes, he really says actually - too funny.

If he doesn't want to do something, he says 'let's not go to costco today - let's go tomorrow' or 'next saturday' or any other time except now :)

Deep thoughts from Brock...

Brock, 'Mommy, are we gonna die?'
Mommy, 'Well, yes someday in a long long time'
Brock, 'Oh, and go to heaven'
Mommy, 'Yes, hopefully'
Brock, 'Okay, in a long long time'

1 comment:

  1. I am not kidding- Ben and Brock could be mental twins...seriously. I read your descriptions (which I am VERY upset I didn't make notes like this about Ben) and it is like reliving Ben a couple years ago...sigh.
