Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jennings Boy-isms

I wish I wrote them all down daily, I hate that I can't remember these fun conversations just days later.

Brock: He says everything like such a big boy and so scientifically. I told him he was so smart the other day and he said, 'yup, little head, big brain' I think that should be his tag line :)

Theo was in the middle of taking his shirt off outside and telling me he needed 'sun on his belly' and Brock said 'yeah mom, we need our shirts off because our bodies need Vitamin D'

We were driving past the Mormon Temple (it has a gold statue on the top) and Brock said, 'Mom, look it's C3PO blowing a horn'.

Cory was reading a book to Brock that has answers to all kinds of questions that kids ask. Of course, Brock quickly (on his own) answers why you couldn't dig to the other side of the earth and what makes a rainbow. Bored with these lame questions :) he asks 'is there a question on why bunnies have sharp teeth'? Um, couldn't find that one in the book.

I was telling Brock that our friends just had their new baby girl and Brock says, 'Wow, they are gonna have a lot of babies at their house' I told him that they just had the one new baby, but then he says 'Well now they have three girls and they are all going to have babies'. Then we got into this unexpected conversation (picture me inserting my foot in my mouth) about how it takes a boy and a girl to have a baby, oh lordy, somehow I got out of it with out sharing too much detail...I'm just not ready for that quite yet.

Theo: The best part of conversations with Theo are his facial expressions - tilting head, funny eye rolls, and funny little looks - he is quite the comedian. He is also known for his super random questions and commentary.

Theo has finally realized I have a name besides 'Mommy'. The other night we were saying goodnights and he put his arm around me and said, 'Goodnight Enid'. Yesterday he asked me, 'Mommy, is your name Enid'?

The other day he asked, 'Mommy, do you love Arthur'? I, of course, said I did and then he says, 'I love Arthur too, he's the best'

Today he was telling me 'Mom is there a light balb in that fan' and 'yesterday I saw an american flag' - okeedokie!

He is obsessed with Pa and is always asking 'where's pa' 'Is pa at mama's house' 'I love pa'

And now for the GRAND FINALE! The best is listening to their conversations with eachother. This one is borderline TMI(perhaps I will be banned from blogging), but I just have to write it down. It all began with one of those random Theo questions:

Theo: Mom, do you have a penis?
Brock (before I could answer and in his most know-it-all voice): No Theo, Mommy has nuts.
Me: (laughing inside, game face outside) Actually, nobody has nuts. And then I explained all the parts with proper names and explained who has what parts and what we should call them and what we shouldn't :)and finished with 'got it'?
Both boys said: Got it!

A couple months ago I heard Brock tell Theo to push him in the nuts while pointing at his stomach - clearly the child has no idea what nuts are but has heard someone say it. I decided not to say anything to him because he ovbviously had no clue. Since we only use the word nuts when talking about the one's that grow on trees I'm thinking he heard it at school. Brock's favorite book is one of my old anatomy books, but I do my best to skim over the reproductive system :) Pretty fun stuff at the Jennings house, eh?

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