First my aunt Cathy who the boys absolutely love! Cathy who raised two boys of her own(and could possibly be a three year old boy trapped in a __ year old woman's body...I won't put her real age, but it's around 29) clearly knows her stuff when it comes to little boy fun! She is a pro! Fun things we did with Cathy:
- Went to the park and hiking
- Made forts
- Played legos
- Played in the yard
- Had a movie night and ate popcorn
- Went to pizza
- Made the cutest Mother's Day card for me
and on, and on, and on....
A day after Cathy left, Papa J arrived! We didn't tell the boys he was coming and Brock was SO excited to have him here. Fun things we did with Papa J:
- Cooked a whole fish
- Built a shed
- Played outside
- Threw rocks in the truckee river - lots of rocks!
- Legos
- And on and on....Papa J even changed a few diapers while he was here...very impressive!
Cathy and Papa J - Thank you so much for making the long trip to Reno. We love having you here - come ANY time! One picture of Papa J and Theo eating breakfast. I'm so sad about my lack of pictures.
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