Brock got a scooter from us for his birthday. It's no suprise he mastered it in no time. And of course it wasn't good enough to just ride it around like a normal child - he always finds a way to make things more thrilling - he attempts jumps and enjoys riding over ice and snow. The other day we were scooting by a huge flat bed truck that was tilted up about 15 ft high to unload a tractor (there is construction on our street). As we scooted by Brock said 'I could ride my scooter down that ramp'. And I have no doubt that if left unattended he would try! He must have Cory's dare devil genes! Thank goodness for helmets!
Oh my goodness- that picture of Theo holding himself up has me cracking up! You have a true Incredible Hulk and a daredevil on your hands! Too cute!