I found a school that I just love and a teacher that is amazing! I’ve been on a list there for 3 years and we just got a spot. We talked to Brock a lot about preschool trying to gear him up for the first day. He sounded excited, but I wasn’t so sure how the first day would go. On his first day he went running in and began playing. I hung out for a while – surely he would burst into tears at any moment…right?? Finally, I decided to go. The teacher didn’t outright tell me to go, but she gave me some hints…’looks like he is adapting just fine’ (i.e. you can leave!). I told Brock I was going to work and I’d be back later. He said good bye and gave me a look like ‘will you please leave already’! I stewed in my office all day and was desperate to go pick him up when 3:30pm came around. Cory and I met to pick him up. We walked into a dark room with little bodies laying around taking naps, but heard our little non-sleeper Brock giggling in the back. I thought he would be desperately waiting for us to pick him up, but instead he looked disappointed to see us. He didn’t want to go! It turns out he stayed up with the Kindergarteners and skipped nap time – not surprising at all! He told my mom later that he ‘pretended to take a nap at thirty O’clock’. What a goof! The teacher said he did great all day - using the potty, making friends, playing, etc.! She said she really tried to get him to nap, but finally gave up - I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I’m sure there might be bad drop off days in the future, but I’m so glad the first day went smooth! Right now he is just going twice a week.
I snapped a couple really quick and not very good shots of his first moments at school.
One second after arriving he was playing with these animals with a couple other boys.
His cubby
Not looking all that thrilled about Preschool.
That pic of Brock looks like a perfect mix of you and Cory!