We are busy people! We had a great visit from Aunt Nikki a couple weeks ago. We laid low b/c Brock had a fever and some sort of flu bug while she was here. Am I a terrible Mom for actually kind of enjoying when Brock has a fever?! It is the perfect illness - calm, cuddly, and sweet kid for a couple days - with no boogers, vomit, etc. to deal with. Anyhow, it didn't last long - Brock is back to his spunky self again - I missed him! Then last week we headed to So. Cal for visit with my family - Great Grandma Daphne, Aunts and Uncle, and their pets. I don't have many pictures b/c we lost our camera. We had a great time enjoying the warm weather and swimming in the pool at my grandma's house. Brock loved the beach - it was about 20 degrees warmer than the water he is used to in Tahoe. Once again, the boys were awesome travelers! They got rave reviews from other people on the planes.

Aunt Nikki with her nephews

Brock spent hours and hours in the pool!

GG and Theo

Brock and Buddy loved each other so much!
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