Sniff, baby is now 2 months old! Theo is so much fun now - interacting, smiling, and 'talking' with those sweet little baby sounds, he is even trying to giggle! He had another Dr. apt today - all good except the shots - his perfect little world was shattered when that nurse stuck him with needles. He has an incredible scream for such and easy going guy. Poor baby! Theo is now 14lbs 13oz and is 24.5inches (90-95 percentile) - must be some super breast milk! I find it hilarious that Cory and I created this giant baby. Even some of his 6 month clothes are a little snug. I just love the rolls! Brock continues to be a great big brother. He is constantly checking on Theo, kissing him and talking to him. Here are some random pictures from the last week or so.

Look...there is a neck in there!

Tailgating in the camper.

Lounging on the couch! Notice Brock in his big boy unders - he is doing great with potty training - we have even had a few dry nights!

Theo is going to have blue eyes - they keep getting lighter.

I just love that big goofy grin! It melts your heart!
I know I've said this before, but you have such an adorable family! I cannot believe how quickly they change and get older! They go from babies to little people so quickly!