You are FUNNY! You like to tell ding dong (knock knock) jokes and here is how they go...
Brock says 'Ding Dong'
Theo says 'Who's there...Mickey Mouses unnerwears'
You will also say things you know aren't true and then say 'naoooo' and chuckle, as if to say 'just kidding' - it is hysterical that you get how to be funny!
And sometimes you don't mean to be funny, but you say the funniest things. Like the other night when I was wiping your cute little toosh and you told me in your whiniest voice, 'Stop mommy, that's spicy on my butt'. Yes, I know TMI.
You are IRRESISTIBLE! It must be something about the bleach blonde hair, blue eyes and golden tan - the ladies just can't stay away from you. Every time I take Theo to Preschool to pick up Brock the girls swoon over him like he is a movie star. They can't help but stroke his hair and face - unbelievable!
You are SWEET! Always caring for others, wondering if Brock is okay when he gets hurt...'you okay Bock?', telling your Pa 'Be careful Pa' and giving kisses and hugs at bedtime.
You are a little BROTHER! There are so many things you pick up on that your Brother does. You play so well together and you fight too...oh, the fighting! The other day you picked up a stick in the back yard and said 'look mommy, a gun...I gonna soot you mommy...peww peww!' Hilarious, yet disturbing! Clearly something you learned from your big brother. I'm quite certain Brock didn't know what a gun was until he was 4 when he saw Star Wars for the first time!
You are TWO! How do we know this? Because your favorite phrase is 'I do it myself'! And you do!
Theo loves his new 'TV' from Aunt Nikki! Um, you nailed the gift as usual Nikki!
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