Cory got a last minute week off of work and so we headed to the beach! Cory, the boys, and my folks were there for almost a week and I was just there on the weekend...somebody has to work around here :) Just kidding, Cory works harder than anyone I know and so deserves a week off! I enjoyed my couple days in our quite house with no boys! The empty house was strange, but very enjoyable I must say. The weather at the beach was epic...70s and 80s....ahhhhhhh....bring it on! Theo and Brock spent hours running on the beach, yelling, digging, chasing birds and finding crabs. Finding sand crabs was the highlight of the trip! Brock hunted for sand crabs for hours.
12 years in NV - we never would of thought! But when you meet, fall in love, and start a perfect little life somewhere - I guess that's where you stay! At least for now. My how things have changed over the years. We still look at Brock in amazement and confusion - where did he come from? He has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined. Now Theo!! Here we go again.
Were you guys in Santa Cruz? We were there on Saturday! We will have to meet up there at some point this summer!