- You climb on everything! You often end up on top of the kitchen table, counters and bar stools - you are so strong! I've watched you hoist yourself with pure determinatin onto things as high as your armpits. How do you do it?
- You have so many words - way too many to list! Today while you were eating breakfast I asked you if you wanted milk or orange juice and you said, "No, apul jus" (apple juice). Your first little sentence! You love the word 'no'. When I'm about to tell you to stop doing something, you beat me to it and say, 'no, no, no mommy' - you know you are up to trouble!
- You are a screamer (this goes on the 'drives us crazy' list). You just let out the loudest screams either in response to your brothers harassment or for pure attention.
- You want to do everything your big brother does
- You are so funny...a little comedian! You do funny things and keep a straight face (sometimes with a little grin). You love to make us laugh!
- You love to put things into other things...rocks in a bucket, fill up a whole, etc.
- You are such a love bug and give lots of hugs and kisses!
These pictures are from a photo shoot by Johnstone Studios when Theo was one. Shame on me for not posting them sooner. Theo has changed so much since these photos were taken. But the buns and chubby thighs look about the same! I want to remember my boys at every little stage, chubby buns and all! This blog is my only hope at remembering...

Completely adorable!!