If there is a couch to be scaled, a bike to be crashed, a scooter to be jumped, and any item (you name it) to be jumped off - Brock will conquer. Brock's first attempt at a bike track on his Strider...looked like he had been doing it for years.
IntenseWe are learning more about Brock's personality. This part he is just born with I'm sure! He can be a bit serious and quiet among new people, yet he can observe a crowd and soon have them in the palm of his hand by negotiation, leading, new ideas, sweetness and down right persistance. His teachers call him, "the man", "the quiet leader" and "future president", strong words for a four year old. But with this calculation comes stubborness and, holy moly, can he negotiate. I often wonder how he can stay one step ahead of me at ALL times. Geez Brock, sometimes mommy needs a rest! Oh and you always say no at first - even if it something fun like going to the park or eating a cup cake. Apparently, this is an annoying trait your mother also had as a child! Here is Brock in his school picture...looking oh so serious. Just to be sure my child was unique I looked through all the other kids little Brock was the only one to not smile! I recognize that look on his face, he is thinking 'I know you want me to smile, and I'm slightly amused by what you are doing to try to get me to smile, but I'm in control here - no smile for you!' Intense!

Curious Oh, my smarty pants - you ask the most amazing and thought provoking questions? I really need to be better at writing them all down. We do our best to answer them (or look them up on the internet:)) and fufill your eagerness to learn. We tell you about something once and I soon hear you repeating the story to some one else. Brock has a love of nature and mechanical things - he wants to know how things work, anthing - a dirt bike, a meteor, a jelly fish, a prius. You love to read and we could read for hours! You are starting to enjoy more of the boring stuff like writing letters and drawing!
Sweet You say the sweetest things and you are so loving with your family and kitty. I do have to catch you first if I want a kiss, but come bed time you are all snuggles. You are an amazing brother - right now you enjoy interpreting your brothers 'words' and getting him in on your little games.Taking your brother by the hand and telling him all about the beach - your favorite place. So sweet!
Busy You are always up to something! You always have an idea and you figure out a way to make it happen. I love your creative and busy personality! I wonder what other things you will make happen in the world - time will tell. The other day you told me, 'Mom,when I grow up I want to be a Dentist, a fireman and a worker that works on high poles...but mom, you're gonna have to get me some tiny big gloves so I don't get burned by electricity' Wow, Brock is one busy guy!
Happy as can be perched in a tree.
Funny Even though you can be a little serious at times, you are always up for a good time. Nothing pleases you more than a fun 'outing' as you call them, a good play session with your friends or a funny joke. Here is Brock getting a laugh - he made a ring for his nose out of a pretzel on our roadtrip to Fresno.
Enid, your boys are so cute and you do such a good job with your blog! Have you heard that you can make it into a book? You should definitely do it because you write so well and such great things that your boys would love to read it one day!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Happy Birthday Brock!