Sonny arrived on on August 27th weighing about 3 pounds and suprise, suprise, it's a boy! A couple weeks ago I came home from work to find a yard full of string and a sweet little orange kitty greeting me. Turns out this little kitty had been playing with Brock all day and guess what? He is still here! He had no collar, was a bit skinny and dirty - and is the greatest cat! Despite the constant abuse from Brock and Theo he doesn't leave, in fact, he loves them for some strange reason! Brock first named him Bob, but then changed his name to Sonny. We have grown very attached to Sonny and he is here to stay. Yesterday, Brock and I dropped him at the vet to get neutered (sorry Sonny). Brock was so sweet telling Sonny it would be okay and would pick him up later. Later, when he was home, Brock noticed his 'ouchy' and asked
'why does Sonny have a cut on his bottom'
me -'Well, he had to have a little surgery at the vet'
Brock - 'why'
me - 'So that he can't make more babies'
Brock -'But he is a boy he can't have babies'
Oh geeez. here we go, Luckily, Brock was satisfied with my answer that it takes a boy and a girl to make a baby for now. Then a few minutes later he burst into tears about Sonny's ouchy and that he doesn't want him to be hurt. Such a sweet sweet boy I have!

He looks like an amazing little addition to the family. Brock is a smart cookie!! He is totally right, boys don't make babies ;)