I have already apologized to Theo and he has agreed to let me make up some of this neglect when Brock leaves for college! It is so hard for me to believe that just a year ago we were admiring our sweet newborn and now he is a big one year old. The time has just flown by! We feel so blessed to have Mr. T in our lives! Things he is up to at one year old:
- Living Large, not sure how big yet, but he is a big boy and wearing 24 month clothes for the most part.
- Stepping, not walking, but taking steps – the record is five. He has been standing on his own for months but is taking to walking with caution.
- Talking, his ‘words’ at one are: ‘Uh oh’, ‘Hmmmm’, ‘Bow’(either brother or Brock), ‘Ba’(ball), ‘Brrrmmmm’(car noise), ‘Eye’ (light), ‘ah da’( all done) and probably a couple others. He loves to point at things and yell (he does with this gusto)! I think this is his way of saying ‘what’s that?’ – its pretty hilarious.
- Being easy, Theo is still so easy going. He is and always has been a FANTASTIC sleeper! He is just a quick tickle from a good laugh and never disappoints with the smiles.
- Making teeth – our easy going guy was a bit disturbed by the arrival of two new teeth this past week. The top two middle teeth arrived and they are big ones! He was a little crabby (some days a lot crabby) during the day – but still a great sleeper. 4 teeth all together!
- Busy, he is a busy boy. Loves to put things into other things and stack. He is always up to something.
- Cuddling! I love how he still falls asleep in my arms – the perfect time for me to stare at him, cover him with kisses and smell his sweet little head without him fighting back.
- Water boy – Theo loves the water (just like his big bro)! He will crawl right into Lake Tahoe without hesitation – brrrrr!
We love you Theo – Happy Birthday! Thanks to everyone for the first birthday wishes you sent our way and for helping us celebrate!
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