Theo thinks he is hot stuff now that he is 10 months old! His new trick is standing. He pulls him self up to something and then, wah lah, no hands...standing (Update from Theo since yesterdays post, 'today I stand up wherever I want - right in the middle of the room if I feel like it!'). Yesterday he even did some standing and clapping at the same time, like I said, 'hot stuff'. He is not much into words, but he has several sound effects: 'bbbrrmmmm' with his car, 'mooo' with his cow, 'grrrrr' growling with his brother, and of course, the rasberry. He is obsessed with the toilets at the moment and don't you dare try to stop him...he gets mad. I thought it was impressive the other day when I took him out of the hallway bathroom (while screaming) and closed the lid, placed him back in his room and then he made a beeline for Brock's bathroom. He is definately working on some more teeth, but still has just one on the bottom. He is so fun takes no effort to get a good laugh out of him unlike his more serious brother :) Favorite person: still Brock!

Look mom, no hands!

See my big tooth!
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