Meet the twins...Raliegh and Kadence...they are perfect! Jamie and Mike have their hands full of perfect little girls!
All the cousins in the hot tub!
Brock and Addy are good little strawberry pickers...and eaters too!
The go cart was so much fun! We all took turns driving the kids around and Brock even took a little spin by himself...not the best idea!
Addy was good at holding Theo...she called him 'the heavy baby' - a good description I thought.
Playing ang playing!
I don't miss any posting that you put up. I am always checking and keeping updated. My mon and I talk about them, the trips you take, Theo's videos, wild Brock, etc. I always tell people that my cousin in Reno has a blog and it feels like we don't miss a thing about our kids growing up except physical hugs and kisses. We love you and think about you often. When we get together again it will be just like we saw each other last week with these blogs. They're amazing and I am so glad you talked me into one. Lots of love from Michigan!!!!!!!!