- He is crawling, slowly but surely! The last couple weeks he has been getting around by sitting, then going to his tummy, then sitting...it looked exhausting! But now he is starting to crawl and he is so proud of himself.
- He says dada and baba and a few other cute sounds. Whenever he says dada we just pretend he is talking about his awesome Dad :) And of course, Baba is Brock - must be...right?
-He is an eating machine! This kid loves to grub...it takes a lot of work to maintain this rolly polly physique. I don't believe we have come across a food he doesn't like. Tonight he induldged in some squash and potatoes, the other night I swear he at half of a chick breast!
-He still loves to boogy and loves music.
-He waves to me when I leave for work in the morning...it is a whole arm wave..cute!
-He is tough! Brock wrestles around with him and even though I'm usually yelling for him to be gentle, Theo loves it. I'm sure our house has a few thousand wrestling matches in its future.
-He has the sweetest personality and is just a happy guy...I always say this.
Oh my goodness that is the cutest video ever. I heart his little chunky monkey, miscoordinated legs! He is going to be moving SO fast in about a week!! Thanks for sharing. Loves to everyone!!