Yes, I know – very deep for a three year old post! Brock had a great third birthday. We celebrated for about a week with the grand finale being his birthday party. Six toddlers, 4 babies, lots of parents, pinata (yes, very scary), bean bags, prizes, good food and cup cakes equals one awesome time! Thanks to all of our friend and family who made number three so special! Here is a little bit about Brock at age three...
This summer Brock developed some seriously good Frisbee skills. It is strange because although he appears to be right handed he throws the Frisbee lefty style...and it is impressive!
Although Brock has never been into sleeping much he sure is cute when he does!
Brock has very refined tastes for a three year old - some of his new favorites pomegranate, artichoke and onions.
Brock takes his big brother role very seriously! He is incredibly loving with Theo and he is always trying to teach Theo things. This little bond is so fun to watch! Theo returns the favor by laughing and smiling at Brock constantly. The other day Brock was playing peek a boo with Theo and I have never heard Theo laugh so hard - too cute!
Brock really enjoys playing with Play Dough...he sculpts animals and makes food.
We started to read to Brock when he was just a day or two old. Now he is a lover of books! He loves to read and can now point out if you skipped a page or even a word! How dare you!
The beach! Brock loves water whether it is the beach, river, lake, hose or bath tub! He is not concerned with the fact, one of his favorite things is to turn the water in the shower to cold after it is nice and steamy...brrrrr! He thinks this is so funny!
Mama found a HUGE bin of legos for a couple dollars at a garage sale. Brock is quite the builder. He is so creative and often brings me things he has created with legos and they look surprisingly like the real thing.

Hiking at Nicene Marks redwood forest. Brock loves trails and hiking!
We totally love your blog and can't believe your sweet baby is 3. Love, love, love your Brock and his saving milk story. So glad you are a picture taker, it really says a thousand words!!
ReplyDeleteWhen 3 turns to 33 you will continue to wonder at how his mind works and where the energy comes from. We celebrate Jeremy's birth and are in awe at the man he has become. Happy Birthday to Brock and Happy Holidays to the whole family.