We have received so many gifts, cards, visitors, meals, helping hands, etc.- it is amazing! Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers as we adjust to becoming a family of four. We feel the love and we are so grateful for such wonderful family and friends. Brock, by the way, is sure to think Santa is for the birds after receiving so many big brother gifts. I'm sure he will be requesting more siblings just for the toys :) How did you all know these big brother gifts would be so handy ...you must be parents or something...THANK YOU for the toddler entertainment. The picture in the heading is of the cake at a shower that my work had for Theo this week - they sure can throw a party! Thank you everyone! Cards are on the way soon :)

A visit from Nana!

A visit from Aunt Sue!

We took the trailer out the other day so Cory could get a riding fix. Here is Brock looking super cool on his bike. Theo, relaxing in the trailer.

Theo's first Ace's game.

Brock is quality control for all of Theo's toys - he has to make sure they are as fun as he remembers before his bother can use them.

Theo has started to give us little smiles - on purpose I think. I think I caught a little grin for his brother in this pic.
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