But alas, we managed to enjoy all things Christmas. Brock really enjoyed the preparations and celebrating this year. He has many many questions about Christmas, baby Jesus, angels, etc. He LOVES the Christmas stories, songs, tree and, of course, presents! His favorite story this year was of Mortimer mouse - this cute little mouse who at night resides in the nativity scene in someone's house - very cute!

Christmas baking is an annual tradition that I did with my mom and grandma and now we do with the kids. Even Theo got in the action this year - trying to devour an empty bag of chocolate kisses.

Brock intently worked on his ginger bread house for two days. When he learned we were going to do baking he could hardly stand the anticipation. This was the hardest part of Christmas with a three year old. Every morning for weeks, he would wake up and say 'Is it Christmas time'...then later he would say 'Actually, I think it is Christmas we should open presents'. I'm shocked that I never awoke to a living room full of opened presents.

We were at the beach for Thanksgiving and every year Santa surfs into Capitola village to visit the kids (wetsuit, elves and all). Brock sat on his lap and asked for a RC car. Then as soon as we walked away he noted 'that is not the same Santa as last time'. Geez Brock...could you just go along with the Santa thing...you are only three!! We sold him on the whole santa's helper idea.
Hanging out with friends - they all have matching jams. Brock, Theo, Annie and Millie.
When we went to pick out a tree, Brock wanted the smallest tree. It was about two feet tall. We talked him into a little bit bigger, but still small tree. We were okay with this since our house is a complete disaster with the construction.
Brrr...shoveling snow with no pants...must be those Alaska genes.
Brock wants Theo to do everything he does. Here they are playing in the fort together. They did this for quite a while...it was so cute listening to them 'talk' to each other.
On Christmas Eve Santa made a special stop at our house. Brock was in shock! He was so excited about his RC car. Santa should probably not have brought an outdoor toy to our house on Christmas eve. We had to listen to this giant, loud, dangerous car zooming through the house. Then Santa called to say this was a toy for outside only...we are learning :)
Opening his stocking! When it was finally Christmas it took Brock a while to have it all sink in...you mean, I can really open my presents! We opened presents for TWO days! I was happy that Brock also liked to give presents. He had fun handing presents to Ma, Pa and uncle Arthur. Later in the day we were outside playing with the RC car and it occured to Brock 'Mommy, we didn't get a present for Santa' - so cute.
Santa loved the brownies we left for him and those reindeer ate every last carrot!
Every boy needs a super hero costume. I made this mess of a cape and luckily Brock's aunt Cathy sent a really cool super hero costume that Brock loves. Now, I have time to sew a better red cape...one should not sew at 11pm on Christmas Eve!
Papa J got us this talking parrot and it was a HUGE hit! I think my child needs more social interaction because he became strangely attached to this talking parrot. He carried it around with him for days, talking to him, and even sleeping with him!
Theo enjoying his new blanket and book.
Papa J is stationed in Dover right now. He sent the coolest present! A video of himself reading two different books, along with the books. Brock loves to sit and listen to him read - turning the pages and everything. What a special gift! This is a program the military does for parents or family that are away from the little ones they love. What a great program!
Arthur was here for over a week - so Brock and him got some good lego time in. Thanks for all your help with the kitchen Art! We love and miss you!