I'm not sure how, but our tiny baby has grown into a big two year old in the blink of an eye! This year was a lot more fun because Brock could share in the excitement with us. He woke up each morning at the beach announcing, "my birday is coming up" - and it did! On Saturday we celebrated the big 0-2 with family at the beach. It was an exciting day at the beach. A low tide in combination with a big swell created huge waves that washed our party right off the beach! Yes that is right, we had to scramble to safety when we saw a huge set coming in and we made it out just in time. My aunt and mom got some great photos of the chaos, but I don't have many photos to post. Thank you family for making the trip to see us!
Last Monday Brock had his two year check up. He is now 33 inches long and 25 lbs (20th percentile). Small, but mighty as usual. Brock jabbered on through out the appointment and then our Dr. nearly fell over when Brock identified his, "stethoscope" correctly. The Dr. joked that he wouldn't be asking me about his language development for the next few years. Brock got one shot or as he calls it, "a tiny poke". He handled the whole thing really well considering he cried his way through the last check up. This was a pleasant surprise, because Brock has started exhibiting all the signs of a two year old! As with each stage we are starting to figure him out again. Keeping the peace without giving in is a fun challenge. Luckily, the fits never last long and we have learned how to avoid them some of the time. Keep him rested and his belly full - just like a wild animal :)
Playing in the surf. It is really hard to get pictures of a two year old - they run everywhere!
Birthday Boy!
Aren't we cute? Me and my brother.
The birthday goers - Cathy, John, Kevin, Jim, Arthur and my Dad
Beach themed cup cakes
In the background of these random surfers you can see the enormous surf. The waves were going over the pier which is usually a good 20 feet higher than the ocean.
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