Brock likes drinking from the "pack pack" as he calls it. It is Cory's camelback.
Chapter Two: Be Careful Where You Put the Step Stool!
We have this stool in the garage that gets moved around. On this day it happened to be in front of the washer and Brock climbed right in. Notice he is wearing his new helmet. This kid, who refused to wear a hat all summer, wore his new helmet around the house all weekend.
Chapter Three: The Bottle Fairy
This weekend the bottle fairy came and took Brock's bottles. He was down to only two a day and losing interest so we decided - no more bottle. The story we told him was that the bottle fairy collects the bottles and gives them to babies that need them. Brock had no problem giving up his bottle - but he didn't like the idea of sharing them with babies. He specifically told me, "No give the bottle to baby". I guess if he can't have them - no one can! Otherwise, he couldn't care less. I guess I was more addicted to the bottle than he was because it gave me a few moments of peace. Oh well!
Here he is packaging up his bottle for the fairy. We left them on the porch and then in the morning he got a new little hot wheel motorcycle.
Chapter Four: The Narrator
I feel like my whole life is narrated these days. The everyday things that you do and ignore are pointed out when you have a toddler in the house. His new wake up call is, "Mommy, I heard a noise" (yup, that is me trying to wake you up). After he yells this a few times I come in and he says, "Mommy, I heard a noise in the back room". Whether it is eating or peeing or pooping, Brock lets me know what is going on at all times. And just in case you missed it the first time, he repeats it over and over again. He is talking in sentences - most of the words pronounced correctly and in perfect tense. Impressive for a 22 month old!
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