A couple cute stories from the week...
I probably tell Brock to be careful at least a few times a day...if not a hundred! So he just started saying "careful". Yesterday, his "pa"(grandpa) was on a stool washing his car and Brock told him to be careful...so cute!
Today was garbage day and so Brock took great pride in pointing out each garbage can in the neighborhood and saying, "Garbage"!
I just put the little stinker to bed and he was babbling away in there as usual before he drifts off to sleep. The babbling got louder and I could hear him yelling, "Mommy", then "Daddy", then "Kiss". Now how can I resist a sweet request like that? Of course I went in for one last kiss before bed!
Oh, and I can't forget the lesson Mommy learned last week - WATCH YOUR MOUTH around this little sponge child! As I opened the trunk of my car, a coffee mug fell out and shattered on the drive way. Poor choice of words...I know, but I said, "Shit" with plenty of gusto! And so what was Brock saying for about 15 minutes. You guessed it! At first I tried to ignore him, but then I finally told him to stop saying that and mommy will too :)
Well, the stories are endless...but you can see we have our hands full! And we are just loving every second as usual!
Carrying BOTH balls around the yard. He was working so hard at this...dropping one, then picking it up....then dropping the other and so on.
Climbing on the toilet!
Brock loves to be in his toy or laundry basket! Here he is chatting on his phone.
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