...and some change. Brock had his six month check up last week. He is growing bigger by the day and now weighs 16 lbs, 4oz. (about 25th percentile) and is 26 inches long (50th percentile). In case you were wondering, Brock is still keeping us up at night! On a good night he gets up twice and on a bad night he gets up, well, maybe a half dozen or so times. During the day he is an absolute joy!! He loves to play, experiment with new food, talk, and many other fun things. He is still a water baby, loves swimming, splashing, and bathtime. Brock can no longer be left alone for very long as he will roll or scoot under the furniture or across the room. That is our big boy in a nutshell...so much fun!

Brock likes to try to feed himself...very messy!
Swimming with Dad.

Brock and his good buddy Owen!
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