As you may already know, all of Cory's extended family lives in Michigan. We have been wanting to go for a while and finally made the trip this past week. As usual we had a fabulous time, eating, visiting, hugging, laughing, eating...oh and did I mention eating! We are always fed well when we visit! Brock loved meeting all of his great aunts, uncles, cousins and, especially his Great Grandma! He had plenty of smiles to go around.

Brock was a hit on the plane. The flight attendants kept stealing him.

Cousins Neil, Jill and Cole. Cole had to check Brock out.

Cousin Justin just graduated High School and is off to college on a full ride Basketball scholarship. How is the view from up there Brock?

Kisses from cousin Bryce.

Aunt Linda and Uncle Fred.

Cory and Ashley

Great Grandma's got me! Nice hat dad!