My good friend Kelly told me she was going to do a Triathlon to get back in shape...good too...I'm in! So for the past 3 months we have done lots of training. I went from huffing and puffing through 1 mile to swimming a 1/2 mile, biking 11, and then running a 5k - and don't forget prancing across the finish line with a great big smile! We did the Napa Valley Tri, Girl, Tri and finished! This was such a fun experience and I can't wait to sign up for the next one. I finished in 1:32:00 and ranked 48th out of over 300 - not bad for an old lady! My friend Kelly gets the medal of honor for having to put her chain back on, not once, but twice during the bike ride and finishing in her goal time - woot woot, we rock! The boys were fantastic - I would be focused and then hear a cute little voice yelling - 'hi mommy, go mommy'...they followed me through all the events cheering - so awesome! Cory would say encouraging things like 'what are you waiting for' - oh how I love him, always making me laugh!
The rest of the time we relaxed at the house we rented at Lake Baryessa. It was a great weekend with friends.
Setting up and getting ready - did I mention I was so nervous!

The swim:

While we swam, the boys found mud...

The ride:

The run:

FINISHED!!!!Brenda, me, Kelly

Some fun pics from the house too:
Adler and Theo were too cute!