Annual trip to Ferrari Farms. Pumpkins, animals, games, corn maze, hay much fun!
I love this pic. Nora LOVES Theo and I mean LOVES him! Ever since he was born she has been assisting me with him. I believe she thinks I am an unfit mother and I should not be trusted with her Theo. She even wants to change his diaper. Here she is trying to squeeze his cheek. I love Nora and that she loves my little Theo so much!
Halloween party at school - these are Brock's best buds, Sean and PJ - all looking awesome in their costumes. Their school went trick or treating around campus...I'm sure they made a lot of peoples work day!
Trick or treating at about 3pm in our neighborhood before going to our annual friend Halloween Party. I know that we would be disowned as neighbors if we didn't bring the kids by in their costumes...our neighbors answer the door with candy and cameras! We really have the most wonderful neighbors.
Let the fun begin - a Halloween party with our closest friends - 9 kids total now - crazy! The older gang - Brock, Grace, Annie and Tay were totally into the trick or treating. We went to so many houses this year - some of which were VERY spooky. Brock would say - 'did you see that mom - I wasn't even scared at all'.