We made sevaral attempts (and by several I mean over 20) to get the perfect family picture for our card. We abandoned the effort and just went with these silly self timed pics we took in front of the tree one night. How do you people get your wiggly toddlers to smile so sweetly in a photo? Would love to know your secret!
The baking tradition - 20+ years strong! My mom came over to spend a day baking. She created these cute little houses for the boys to decorate. Theo did pretty good getting frosting on the house, but was especially good at eating it. Every so often I'm reminded how "boy" my life is, Brock describing his house decorations was one of those moments. There were, "poof shooters" and "hoses for shooting water" and "a moat"- no picket fence, cute windows, or chimney...just all boy! Other recent reminders...the jar of worms on my kitchen bar, the hornets nest on my spice rack and the piles of boy colored laundry. No girly stuff around here!
We got a tiny bit of snow before Christmas so the boys got to catch a few snowflakes in their mouths. Credit to Cory for the stellar snow outfits once again!
My brother (uncle Arthur) came up for Christmas. On Christmas Eve day we took Brock ice skating and out to lunch. Brock rocked ice skating! He slipped, slided and fell, but he loved it. Each lap I thought he would want to stop, but after a short rest we would go again, and again, and again. It worked perfect to have him between us...and the big people managed to stay on their feet, phew! The day was beautiful - we got bundled up, but after a lap we were down to just our shirts.
On Christmas Eve Santa made a special stop at our house! Brock has come to expect this tradition and you should see his eyes pop when he hears santa at the door. Theo loved Santa too! He spent a few minutes at the front door when Santa left saying "Santa...bye bye". He really wanted him to come back - didn't care one bit about the present Santa brought. Brock got a lego plane set and said in amazement, "this is what I have always wanted" - how did Santa know?
Of course the bubble wrap was a huge hit!
I love my Mama!