I'm hanging in there. I'm VERY big and with that comes discomfort, no sleep and many other symptoms you definitely don't want to hear about :) The Dr. says I'm measuring a little big, so this could mean a bigger baby than Brock - although she admits it is a hard thing to predict. The baby continues to be very active. At my appointment today I was one centimeter dilated, which means nothing except that I have 9 more to go! I think with Brock I was dilated 1cm for a whole month and then he came the day before my due date. We have a few things to do before baby comes - pull out the car seat and newborn clothes, stock up on diapers, and most importantly, pick out some names - we better get busy! Feel free to send your name ideas - we need some inspiration!

And for the full effect...the BARE belly. Brock was showing off his belly too. He says that my belly button (which has been sticking out for months) looks like a mushroom.