People (as in almost everyone) are predicting a girl. Yesterday I had a perfect stranger come up to me and ask when my daughter will be born. I don't believe there is any truth to people's predictions, but it sure is fun for everyone to keep guessing! We are very much anticipating our grand meeting with this little one. People always ask how I can wait to find out the gender. Because...we get to anticipate for even longer the biggest and most exciting surprise of our life! That moment at the end of a long hard labor is the most thrilling ever! We love this little bean either way - we can hardly wait to meet you! One thing is for sure, you will have the best big brother in the world - he already talks to you and gives you sweet little kisses. He seems to have no resentment for the limited space on mommy's lap - he is happy to share it with you little one - at least for now.
Hmmm....what is that on my belly, probably just dirt or dinner - the belly is always in the way!