I must be dreaming! Cory and I are in complete amazement over Brock's recent change in sleeping habits. After over a year of night time madness (a bad night = up every hour, a good night = up 3 times), Brock has decided to give us a break. Anyone who has had us as visitors, stayed at our house, or seen us in the morning has witnessed the complete exhaustion! Brock was the WORST sleeper! Well, the other night I thought I had brought home the wrong kid from the park when, after our bedtime routine (bathing, milk, story, brushing teeth) Brock said to me, "nigh - nigh" and pointed to his room. Cory and I looked at eachother in confusion, but thought we would give it a shot. So, I walked him to his room, kissed him good night and put him in his crib - not a peep until morning! He has been doing this every night since, he usually asks for "mimi" his blanket (not sure why he calls it that) and then says, "nigh nigh" when he is ready to go in his crib. I was sure that I would be rocking this kid to sleep until he was in junior high so this is a pleasant suprise!
On another note, the terrible two's have arrived! Brock is on a quest for independence and he sure let's us know. The energy stored at night is being used during the day to keep up with him! I knew it would happen someday - Brock had his first public outburst in Home Depot when we wouldn't let him climb on a power washer! It wasn't a full on tantrum, but it did involve screaming, crying and arching the back! Luckily he is small and managable. It was partly our fault for keeping him up way past nap time and letting him down in Home Depot - a perfect recipe for disaster. We are learning!